How to Make Your Sermon Speak for the Whole Week

How to Make Your Sermon Speak for the Whole Week

One of the goals of the church is to help and serve others. In order to achieve this, it is important to constantly engage with your congregation. While COVID-19 has hindered some of our in-person connections, social media helps fill that void by allowing us to create community electronically. 


It is important to make sure that your church’s social media platforms consistently have engaging content, which is the key to building an online community. If you are posting multiple times throughout the week, your followers will be more likely to resonate with key points and scriptures shared in your Sunday sermon. The type of supporting content you are posting throughout the week adds value to their spiritual growth. You want to be sure to share things that will encourage your followers to take some sort of action, whether that be a comment, like, share, etc.


So, exactly what type of content should your church be posting? One easy way to create social media content for the week is to pull ideas and themes from Sunday’s sermon. Pastors produce between 30 to 60 minutes of content each week, which can be repurposed as takeaways, quotes, and highlights for your social media channels.

Here are a few examples of how you can turn a sermon into noteworthy content: 


 Share video clips from the sermon 

Some sermons may be too long in length to share in their entirety on social media post-Sunday service. But, pulling a 1- to 3-minute video clip is a great way to share key moments from the sermon. You want to focus on finding parts of the sermon that touch on a concise point. This is a great way to start a discussion in the comment section, or it is a great way to pique someone’s interest to watch the full broadcast.


Post direct quotes from the sermon 

Posting quotes from the sermon is another great way to highlight key moments. Not everyone is going to take notes while they are listening to the sermon the first time, so by posting quotes you’ll be able to give your followers week-long reminders of the scriptural truths that were covered. 


Create a devotional guide for the week

Ask the pastor for related scriptures that correspond with the topic of the sermon and create a weekly devotional guide by placing each scripture with a different day of the week. This is a great way to encourage your followers to develop a daily spiritual practice and relationship. 


Share supporting materials  

Providing resources for your audience that coincides with the sermon can help them to solidify the message. This can be sermons from other pastors, relevant podcast recommendations, or even testimonials from members of the congregation. 


Repurposing sermons into postable content is an easy way to start engaging your audience beyond Sunday service, and it will even help them retain the message better. Thinking about the type of content you can create from one sermon is helpful in starting to create consistent content because you can duplicate it each week. When you join Digital Church University you’ll have access to our graphic design suite which makes creating these content posts so much easier with our customizable templates. And, you’ll also gain access to 3-part training on content development for your church. Use coupon code Take50 at checkout



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