Encouraging Community Through your Content

Encouraging Community Through your Content 


It can be hard to feel connected to others when there is physical distance that separates us. It is also just as easy for the sense of togetherness to be lost from our church communities now that everything is virtual. This can be a huge problem because the community that the church provides is what so often helps members feel supported on their spiritual journeys. With this being said it is important to make sure that the content we are posting encourages members to stay connected with one another. 


While building community is not a new concept, we have to rethink the methods in which we use to accomplish this goal because of the changing landscape we are in. Now, more than ever, it is important to stay consistent when it comes to communicating with your audience through social media. Being able to leverage different social media platforms in a way that is centered around encouraging community building will help to bring back that sense of togetherness. 


Content that sparks conversation and action are the best ways to get your audience to interact with each other. Start to reimagine how your church is utilizing its platform. Instead of only sharing announcements and updates, try incorporating posts that ask for your audience to comment what they think on the topics. Check out these examples of ways to start actively engaging your audience: 


Share Member Testimonials 

Use your social media page to share testimonials from members of the congregation. This is a great way to make your members feel empowered by giving them the platform to share their stories and it can also help inspire others. This is a great way to encourage participation because you can set up a form where members can submit a picture and written testimony to be featured on the church’s social media. 


Promote Small Groups 

Small groups are an integral part of the church experience and it would be beneficial to encourage members to partake in virtual small groups. You can create social media posts that inform members of the benefits of joining, give instructions on how to join virtually, and suggest topics to cover. These small groups can be as for bible studies, book clubs, prayer groups, etc. 


Ask Open Discussion Questions 

This is a great way to get the conversation going directly on the page. You can create posts that ask members to share their favorite gospel songs in the comments or ask them to comment how they interpret a certain scripture. 


Celebrate Your Staff and Members 

Celebrating your staff and members helps build morale and gives people a sense of belonging. If there are any healthcare workers in the congregation it would be nice to recognize and thank them for their service. If you have any small business owners you could post about them and encourage your audience to support them. 


Encouraging your members to still participate in the church community during this time is crucial. Even though the physical location is closed right now, you still want to be able to offer your members everything they enjoyed about that experience. Community helps people to be blessed and also allows them to be a blessing to others. 

Try some of these content ideas to empower your congregation. For more help on navigating through the digital landscape, be sure to check out digitalchurchuniversity.com.


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