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It's Time To Embrace Digital Discipleship!

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Monthly Membership Includes (See Website Here)

  1. Low-cost/affordable option
  2. Monthly Training Content and Materials
  3. Monthly Live, Virtual Office Hours
  4. Quarterly Church Design Templates
  5. Immediate Access to Content
  6. Members-only Facebook Group
  7. Online Community of Church Leaders
  8. Direct Access to Church Growth, Marketing, and Design Experts


Matthew 28:19 | Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 


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What People Are Saying:

Keisha Reynolds is one of the nation's most influential voices concerning social media, graphics, marketing, and brand development. I've been blessed to be impacted by her passion and skill set. My ministry and personal brand have been captivated by her commitment to making the vision of others visible in the lives of the world. - Senior Pastor of The New Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church in Ferndale, MI

Pastor Jeremy K. Moseley